Are you eligible to apply for membership as an individual?

  • Only as a Distinguished Fellow, if you are nominated by your National Member organization. WFEO selects a very limited number of fellows each year, based on a call for proposals amongst its member institutions. Otherwise, any organization can be a member of WFEO.

Is your organization eligible for WFEO membership?

  • If your organization is a professional association of engineers, including associations of engineers and related occupations (e.g. architects, scientists, analysts, technologists): YES
  • If your organization relates to engineering in a different way, such as being a corporate organization, an international NGO (e.g. in humanitarian or education field), an academic/research institution: NO, BUT IT MAY APPLY FOR ASSOCIATE STATUS

To which membership category is your organization eligible?


For further information, contact us at secretariat @ wfeo . org (without the spaces)